Saturday, June 17, 2006

hiho, heyho, ho ho ho...

no no, its not off to work I go.. another week to go at work. another week of mad rush, praying that i won't be activated, cos otherwise i'd have very little time to do planning. the pack list is up, the necessary work... i know it more or less. going to take the bike down to discuss mounting costs with the shop that i've found. the information age is truly truly the greatest. all the newest info is from nice netizens who shared. see, we can all do better if we all truly knew how to share.


my team won at the gameshow. now its a bit tricky cos its all about the money now... prize translating into cash value. you see, now that the task is done, the people united under the task would be in a very fragile alliance. the €sooner the prize is encashed, the better. i have the tough job of executing this as well... haiz. i hope as one who preaches trust and integrity, i have done well to excecute what i teach.

anyhoos, its still good news. winning is always good news... more cash means i can last myself longer, go further and see more of the world that people had wishes and dreams to see but no means to accomplish. i will do what my friends have hoped, wished and dreamed... but have no will to do.

finish what i wanted at the end of my life at the beginning. how interesting is that?


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