Sunday, August 13, 2006

i arrived back into Singapore late on sunday morning, about 3am instead of the initial 2am, due to flight delay. as i arrived into singapore, my younger brudder was waiting to help put the bicycle and luggage into the cab, which was great because i get to go home straight. home sweet home.

but as i woke up the next morning, i guess there was that nomadic part of me which didn't really want to be home at all. like i told my mom before i left, i had to go off to be a wanderer because i just had to see the world. and now that i'm home earlier than i expected, the surrounding comforts were kind of discomforting.

i took time to read steve smith's book - pedalling to hawaii, just to try consolidate my thoughts about the expedition, which will come along later this week. and there was this explaination he liked best about why he was doing the expedition then. the funny thing was that it came from someone who collected social graces "it keeps yer shit hard." i guess i do actually like it too. much as my shit is as hard as it can get, thanks to most of the crazy things that i do compared to my friends.

update on the back:
managed to book an appt with dr jason chia of sports medicine centre, at the changi general hospital for wednesday morning. doc chia treated me a year ago, when i tore my meniscus along with doc chang haw cheong, my surgeon. so its a kind of errr... odd reunion with the gang at CGH, sports med centre.

while the back is holding up fine, it gets extremely sore when i either stand for too long or sit for too long, so the solution now is to lie down for a long time. my thermarest is inflated for the first time in about 2 months, as i am typing this out.


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