Wednesday, July 26, 2006

En route to Luang Prabang, I hailed a local bus and hopped on. It was impossible for me to bike/trek with bike, with my crazy cough. It rained early this morning for a couple of hours and after walking/biking in the rain for nearly two hours, I decided to just call it a day. No more of that crazy bravado. My lungs refused to work and I knew how tired my body is already. Its working hard enough. I'm losing weight without meaning to do so.

Upon boarding the little bus and finding Jason more than 10km down the road, I was glad I did what I did. He was resting so faraway from where I hailed the bus. And it would probably mean that I am slowing things down significantly. From where he was, it was approximately another 80km to Luang Prabang and it was already nearly 1pm.

Soon after, I dozed off on the bus, shivering from the cold wind blowing from the storm that soon started again. I felt feverish and realised that it was a good call that I made. I think I'd probably even take a bus down to Udom Xai, our next big stop... Just so my lungs can have a chance to recover.

The terrain's not going to get any better and if I'm going to press on with my lungs in this state, I'd probably die of bronchitis or pneumonia. Bronchitis, because I've been coughing and blowing my nose for nearly a week, while still on the expedition. To put my body thru such physical stress, its as good as telling it to drop dead soon. Pneumonia, because of the flu and the rain.

Food had been less than desirable. We ate whatever we can find in towns and if we are lucky, we find noodles with eggs in it. Its become some sort of a staple diet. I reckon I'd die of high cholestrol anytime soon. Hahhaha...

It had been very trying. But I'm crossing my fingers that I can recover to get to Kunming at least. It would be an ending on my own terms (as usual, I like to do so). Like what Jason said “You can't possibly walk all the way to Kunming.”, to which I totally agree. (Actually I think I can, but I just need at least 6 months to cross such terrain.)


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